TCFD compliance statement and index
TCFD compliance
statement and index
Compliance statement
X5 Group took into consideration the documents referred to in the updated guidance found in Implementing the Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, published in October 2021.
In the table below, we include cross-references to disclosures made elsewhere within the Report and offer explanations for why we partially comply with some of the TCFD recommendations and recommended disclosures. X5 is set to cover most of the partially compliant disclosures in future reporting.
X5 Group fully complies with the following TCFD recommendations and recommended disclosures:
- Governance — (a) and (b)
- Strategy — (a) и (c)
- Risk management — (a), (b) and (c)
- Metrics and targets — (b) and (c)
X5 Group partially complies with thefollowing TCFD recommendations and recommended disclosures:
- Strategy — (b)
- Metrics and targets — (a)
TCFD disclosure | Cross-reference for the disclosure in the Report |
Summary of the climate- related financial disclosures |
Explanation for non- compliance |
Next steps |
Governance | ||||
(a)Describe the Supervisory Board’s oversight of climate-related risks and opportunities. | "Corporate governance structure" |
The Supervisory Board meets at least four times per year and discusses climaterelated issues through the Audit and Sustainable Development and Innovation Committees. The Executive Board is in charge of properly managing progress against the Company’s strategy and the sustainable development strategy as well as associated risks, including all climate-related risks and opportunities. By reviewing the detailed reports submitted by relevant committees, the Supervisory Board keeps track of all key projects and activities, including progress measured against the sustainable development strategy, the implementation of climaterelated mitigation measures, and project outcomes. |
(b)Describe management’s role in assessing and managing climaterelated risks and opportunities |
"Corporate governance structure" |
The Group has set up a Sustainable Development Committee at the Executive Board level. The Committee is responsible for implementing decarbonisation measures and developing action plans to mitigate climate-related risks, which are then submitted to the Sustainable Development and Innovation Committee, as well as the Supervisory Board, for approval. Representatives of business units implement the proposed measures and changes within the Group’s sustainability agenda. |
Strategy | ||||
(a)Describe the climate-related risks and opportunities the organisation has identified over the short, medium and long term. | "Strategy" |
The Group’s climate risk assessment is aligned with three time horizons: 2023, the short-term horizon; 2023–2030, the medium-term horizon; and 2030–2050, the long-term horizon. The Group analyses its transition and physical risks for each business unit separately in order to glean a comprehensive understanding of risk exposure across different business activities and geographies. A full list of identified climaterelated risks is published in our 2021 Sustainability Report. |
(b)Describe the impact of climaterelated risks and opportunities on the organisation’s businesses, strategy and financial planning. | "Climate-related risks" |
In 2022, we have qualitatively reassessed the impact of our identified climate-related risks, results may be found in "Climate-related risks". |
The Group periodically (less than once a year) assesses the impacts of climate-related risks and opportunities on X5’s financial performance through 2030. | X5 Group plans to disclose information on this metric in future disclosures. |
(с)Describe the resilience of the organisation’s strategy, taking into consideration different climate-related scenarios, including a 2 °C or lower scenario. | "Climate-related risks" |
By analysing how climate-related risks affect us, we unlock a more comprehensive understanding of how the Group’s strategy should be built, as well as how we should mitigate the consequences of potential issues in the future. The risk assessment used the following climate scenarios from the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report (AR6): the 1.5 °С scenario (scenario SSP1-2.6), the 2.0 °С scenario (scenario SSP2-4.5) and the 4.0 °С scenario (scenario SSP5-8.5). X5 Group pays particular attention to materiality scores in the SSP2-4.5 scenario. We consider SSP2-4.5 the primary scenario for our industry, and we believe it will have a long-term effect on the Group’s strategic resilience and estimated financial impacts. |
Risk management | ||||
(a)Describe the organisation’s processes for identifying and assessing climate-related risks. | "Risk assessment" |
Climate-related risks, including physical and transition risks, are incorporated in the general risk register and are reviewed annually. The Group’s climate risk assessment process is aligned with its general risk assessment. The results are plotted on a scale, representing risk impact from the lowest possible impact (green) to the most significant possible impact (red). |
(b)Describe the organisation’s processes for managing climaterelated risks. | "Climate-related risks" |
Our decarbonisation initiatives feed into measures to mitigate climate risk to ensure our sustainable development strategy remains adequate and effective in scope. The sustainable development strategy is based on cost-effective decarbonisation measures that are set to benefit X5’s long-term value. |
(c)Describe how processes for identifying, assessing and managing climate-related risks are integrated into the organisation’s overall risk management. | "Risk assessment" |
Our climate risk assessment process aligns with the Group’s general risk assessment and is closely reviewed on a regular basis during the Supervisory Board’s strategy sessions. |
Metrics and targets | ||||
(a)Disclose the metrics used by the organisation to assess climaterelated risks and opportunities in line with its strategy and risk management process. | "Metrics" |
In 2022, the Group regularly reviewed qualitative results relating to climaterelated risks and opportunities. When charting its pathway to net zero, X5 established a feasible internal carbon price to aid in strategic decision-making. X5 Group has set climate-related KPIs for management to help motivate them to implement our 2023 and 30×30 agenda. The KPIs include the LTI programme, which aims for a 10% carbon footprint cut by 2023 vs a 2019 baseline. The KPIs also include other sustainability metrics, such as boosting the share of packaging that is recycled, as well as waste management initiatives, which are vital for decreasing Scope 3 emissions. Overall, climate-related KPIs hold a 5% weighting for total management team KPIs. |
X5 Group has set an internal carbon price; however, the methodology for establishing its value is being revised. | X5 Group plans to disclose internal carbon price information in future disclosures. |
(b)Disclose Scope 1, Scope 2, and, if appropriate, Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the related risks. | "Metrics" |
Since 2019, the Group has been measuring GHG emissions (Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3) in accordance with the GHG Protocol. In 2021, this assessment included GHG emission sources at key business units that make up at least 95% of all GHG emission sources. The 2022 GHG emissions calculation results and a full description of the calculation methodology will be published in our 2022 Sustainability Report. The 2022 GHG emissions calculation results and a full description of the calculation methodology will be published in our 2022 Sustainability Report. |
(c)Describe the targets used by the organisation to manage climaterelated risks and opportunities and performance against targets. | "Metrics" |
The long-term goal of the strategy is for the X5 Group to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, in line with the Paris Agreement and Russian decarbonisation goals. As one of the steps to attain this objective, X5 has introduced the 30×30 agenda, which encompasses the following medium-term targets for 2030:
ESG and climate considerations are also being incorporated into its short-term corporate strategy to 2025, which is currently under development. X5’s GHG reduction targets are based on the methodology and requirements of the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and look to achieve net zero by 2050. More detailed information on GHG emissions will be published in our 2022 Sustainability Report. |